Academie voor Zelfstandigheid
The Academie voor Zelfstandigheid (Academy for Independence) offers people with a (mental) restriction new chances to live a (more) independent life. The academy focuses on the abilities of the student, which for each student is different. Therefor the curriculum for each student is personalized and unique.
I chose for a simple typographic logo where the minimal intervention of putting the word ‘Independence’ loose from the academy, tells the story in itself. Coming loose, standing on your own, being indecent. The chosen letter has an open and friendly look, while standing firmly and professionally on its ‘feet’. By giving only an initial capital to the word ‘Independence’ it draws the attention to it, and makes it stand extra firmly.
The Logo can be used in different fresh colors to resemble the variety in its students, and always with a horizontal gradient revealing the development that the student will go through. This way there are two important movements that are characteristic for the academy of Independence: coming loose, and moving forward.
In the advertisements and other communications the uniqueness of each student can be extra enhanced by replacing ‘Independence’ with a name or a personal pronoun, creating texts such as ‘Academy for Sam’ or ‘Academy for me’.