hetleukstefamilie uitjevanutrecht.nl
During 8-i, a yearly event where around the world people get together to donate 8 hours of their time to a good cause, I helped Present to put their organized family volunteering projects on the map. Worldwide, it has been a popular form of volunteering, but in Utrecht there is little attention for it yet. Family volunteering is generally perceived as very positive by both parties, the needy get their help, and the family gets to have a good time together. Voulenteering on it’s own is not ‘sexy’, so we decided put the emphases on just having a good time. After all, the families are just looking to do fun things with eachother. The part that you are voulenteering is a positive incidental.
To convince families that they can provide themselves with a fun day by helping others, we decided to communicate through the perceptive of the child. Children look very differently at voluntary work. In an annual report we found very inspiring quotes from children recapitulating the day of their family events: “Pushing old dudes in their wheelchair” of “Stacking fat branches with tough guys.” By linking these quotes to the scentence HETLEUKSTEFAMILIEUITJEVANUTRECHT.NL translated as: “The-most-fun-family-events-of-Utrecht.nl” forms the basis of the campaign.
Posters, stickers and a folder should get people to the website, where all the ‘most-fun-family-events-of-Utrecht’ are documented, to give families inspiration and motivation to come join the fun! On the website there should be the possibility to share on social media, so that the campaign could go viral.
I helped create the concept as well as gave form to the visual identity. The website was created by an external party with very low budget. Perhaps if the campaign goes well, we might get to redo the site and add the social media factor. :)
For resume of the 8UO night in Utrecht click here.